Thursday, May 9, 2024

IB twofer lol

 I was doubly inspired this week :)

Check out this week's Inspired By challenge....

Inspired By... Clothesline #IB288

For my first card, I was inspired by the theme and the colors...

I thought The Stamp Market's 'happy birthday garland die' would be perfect for this card! I die cut the letters from The Stamp Market's Color Crush patterned papers in colors pulled from the inspiration photo.

For Card #2, I was inspired by the sketch....

Yep, gorgeous Pinkfresh Studio washi again.... just can't get enough of this stuff!!! LOTS of Pinkfresh goodness going on here!!

Funny that I was initially a little daunted by the challenge and then I end up with two cards :)

Be sure to check out the rest of the design team's cards on the Inspired By blog.
We can't wait to see how you will be inspired this week!!

Thanks so much for stopping by!!
xoxo ~ Rae

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